We already reported about Ahmadinejad the Rafidi Shiite, the blooy Mushrik who slandered the Sahabah and uttered clear-cut Shirk. Under the reign of this follower of Khomeini (May Allah curse him) the the Ahl Al-Sunnah of Iran suffered faced a suffering which they have never suffered before, since the begin of the paganistic Rafidi Khomeinistic Revolution. Yet only a few days before the 2009 presidency elections Iran the Rafidi-Safawi president of Iran, Ahmadinejad exposed again the real face of the hypocrite Shia-Rafidi state of Iran and the true beliefs of a proper Rafidi like himself. Live on Air, on the Shabaka 3 channel of the “Islamic” Republic of Iran this so called president of the “Islamic” state shamelessly accused two of the noble companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him, his household and his companions), namely Talhah and Zubayr of Apostasy!
Ahmadinejad said:
“طلحه وزبير از ياران پيغمبر بودند ولي بعد از پيغمبر منحرف گرديده وبه طرفداري از معاويه پرداختند”
“Talhah and Zubayr were of the Prophets companions, yet after his demise they became corrupted (turned their backs) and followed Muawiyah”
Source: Sunni-News of Iran
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